Yes! I have to make a blog entry about cats! Trust me, I've been holding off from posting one since I started, but I found the perfect excuse to get to anyway! ;D
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge animal lover, and that I LOVE cats. Some of you know that I take in stray kittens, nurse them to health, then find them homes! And those of you who follow me on instagram or facebook already know that I found two adorable kittens yesterday. So here's my quick little shout out to help find them homes! They're both boys, and just now learning to eat. They're very friendly. They were a little scared at first, but they're at the age when their feral instincts haven't really kicked in yet so they kind of think I'm their mommy now and they follow me everywhere. <3

They need a few more days to learn how to eat--and a few more days for me to try and convince my parents to let me keep Butters. ;D Before they can go to new homes! But please let me know if you or anyone you know is interested!
But while we're on the topic of cats! I'll go ahead and show you mine! ^-^

Facebook and instragram Star: Ollo!
Fraidy-Face! :D He's our oldest baby, going on 7-8 years old now!
Toby! He just showed up one day out of nowhere with no claws and nowhere to go. I don't know why anyone would want to abandoned him, he's a sweetie pie and he's beautiful! But he decided he was going to make this his permanent home and we never did find his owners.
I'll wrap this entry up with a few creepy cat photos for Halloween! :)

Make sure to keep your cat indoors on Halloween night, especially black or dark colored ones! I've heard some terrible stories about what some heartless people have done to them, and whether it is true or not around here, you can never be too safe and that is a risk, I for one, am NOT willing to take!
Happy Halloween!
hahaha, any excuse you can find to talk about and show kitty pictures! Cute, cute, cute! Oh, and the answer is still no. ~x:)