I went through some old blogs that I wrote back in 2007 on myspace and I wanted to share them here! One blog in particular really tells a lot about who I am as a person and it shows how much hasn't changed about me also. I have always been the type of person who wasn't afraid of being different, of being myself, and not following the crowd and conforming to what the majority of people are doing.
First, here is the very first blog I ever wrote!

I just thought this was funny and showed a little of my personality from then and now haha! I've always loved cats and I remember when making "Ascii Art' wasn't even popular on social networking sites and even through texts or anything else. I just thought these were so cute and I still do! haha!
I feel like this blog really still explains a lot of things about me. Good things that haven't changed, and I am very happy that they have stayed the same. Looking back and seeing how other things in the world have changed now it makes me laugh to see how drastically different certain things have become. For example; HIPSTERS! I remember when kids at school would make fun of me for not wearing name brand clothing from the mall, and how I was weird and gross and different for wearing clothes I got at a thrift shop or vintage clothes that I loved! And now it's everywhere because it has become the latest fad! It's just crazy! I have had people tell me that they thought I was a hipster because I liked wearing vintage dresses and shopping at thrift shops. No. My mom shopped at thrift shops when she grew up and I have been all throughout my childhood. And I am happy to admit that, even before it was the 'cool' thing to do!
So when I wrote this blog I had just turned 15 years old. This was about 6 years ago in 2007. I am very happy to admit that I still agree with the things written in this blog. I love being me, and I am happy with who I am even if I am not like everyone else. I will never become like everyone else just to fit in or look cool. I am often left out and have no real friends because of this. But I am okay with that, because I don't want to be friends with people who treat me badly since I don't act the way they do or because they think I'm not as good as them. And I am tired of people telling me that I am 'copying' them or their work. You can see clearly here that all of these things have been true for years before most of you even knew me or met me.
Those of you who have stuck around long enough to really see who I am and you still love me and support me, thank you!
When I read this I felt like crying out of happiness and pride. I am so proud of the fact that you have never wanted to follow the crowd just to be cool or whatever. I love that you don't act nasty and vulgar and fake like so many girls do now just to get attention and because it's what 'everyone' does. I love that I and everyone else sees YOU and not just a copy of what everyone else is doing. I know you will never 'drink from the poisoned well' just to fit in. I know that makes you a loner and sometimes makes you really sad, but it's also what makes you such a good artist because you aren't afraid to step outside of the norm. The ones who love you, truly love you for you. THAT is worth something!