(by the way, this picture has nothing to do with this blog, it's just something pretty to look at while you're here! ^-^ Carry on!)
So, I already mentioned in my first blog how forgetful I can be, so this entry is going to elaborate on that some! There will be some of you who completely understand what I'm talking about, and some of you that will probably think I'm completely crazy. XD BUT! I hope this will shed some light on a few things. And hopefully help you understand me a little more.
I'm not sure really if ADHD and forgetfulness is genetic or not, but several people in my family are this way, and we have learned to live with it and laugh about it. I have had a few people get angry with me though, for forgetting to send photos, or message them back on facebook or text back, etc. I want to say right now, that I apologize to anyone who I may have done any of these things to. I promise you it's not on purpose! I always try to be quick to reply to any messages especially involving my work. I do have a lot of places to check everyday, two facebook accounts (one public and one personal) along with my photography page which also gets messages, my emails, my website, two tumblrs, modelmayhem, 500px, flickr, deviantart, instagram, my phone, calls, texts, etc. So sometimes I do forget to check every single one and reply to everyone and I'm truly sorry about that! Not to mention,the dumb glitches where notifications never come through and texts are lost in cyberspace somewhere. I wish there was an easy way to consolidate everything, but in order to get my work out there I try to put it everywhere I possibly can!

(This is just a tiny glimpse of what my phone looks like on any given day! Texts, facebook notifications, instagram notifications, emails, etc. Also note that my phone is dying; it is always dying haha!)
I have always been a very easily distracted person. It's always been hard for me to focus, unless I get into that hyper-focus mode, which makes it very hard for me to multitask. Please don't ever think I am ignoring you, because there are a number of reasons why I may not reply. I leave my facebook open all the time, and since my phone has me logged in as well it makes me look like I'm on facebook 24/7 haha! A lot of times when I'm home, I'm doing other things and will get on my computer every now and then to check something or reply to a comment, etc. And when I am on my computer, most of the time I am going back and forth between facebook and editing, always trying my best to keep up with everything. BUT if I see a cute kitty picture or something, I will admit that I do get distracted! When I watch one video, it leads to another and another and another and another! Then I realize that an hour has went by, then all of a sudden the sun is coming up and birds are singing and I jump in bed! XD
I am also a HUGE perfectionist. I put a lot of time and effort into my work and I don't settle until the photo is exactly how I want it. Because of that, it sometimes takes me a very long time to edit certain photos. When someone pays me for a session, I try to edit as many as I can and as fast as I can. I always want you to be happy with the photos and get your money's worth. Weddings, they definitely take longer, especially when I have multiple weddings that month and other photo shoots in between, along with all of my other every day responsibilities and life. I've noticed that a lot of people seem to forget that other people have separate lives from their work whenever they are waiting on something they want, like photos. When I do my creative experimental sessions ( AKA, my art and my favorites!) I take even longer on them because I have to put them off lots of times to concentrate on the paying clients and other important things in my life. I normally edit a few right away though and lots of the time I will edit more later and you will receive them out of the blue as a happy surprise. :) I love photography and I love staying busy but lots of times I do overwhelm myself and I find myself wanting to just get away from it all. I feel like I rarely ever get a day to myself. I am noticing more and more that I sometimes really need that.
As for why I'm so forgetful, I don't really know why, but here's the best way I can explain it: My mind is always going, and there is so much going on in there that I feel like I just can not possibly focus... I can't even focus on my own thoughts, because they get distracted onto things that don't even make sense after a while! XD Sometimes I have an entire conversation in my head that I think I said out loud, and I'll actually go to say something out loud to someone and they will look at me like I'm insane because it won't make any sense to them. It will have nothing to do with the conversation we were previously having, but in my head it somewhat makes sense because one thought went off of another and then another until I got to this conclusion which suddenly seemed more interesting, then I forget what brought it on in the first place! I constantly forget where I'm going, what I'm looking for, what I'm going to say, what I'm doing, etc. because my thought process is so crazy! If people could hear my thoughts, people would understand, but still be confused I think. XD
I do the same thing with messaging, where I have a conversation in my head and think that I actually had that conversation with that person or replied to a message, but I didn't. Days later I will be thinking, 'Why haven't they messaged me back?' and when I look, I was the one that didn't message back! And I do this with everyone; my mom, my boyfriend, friends, random people. Luckily I don't do it constantly, but it has happened a lot more than once. I actually like for people to remind me about things, and send me multiple messages if I don't reply. Don't be afraid to bug me, because I need reminding haha!
I think technology has kind of helped make things like this harder. Because if all of these inquiries were happening in person, I would be right there replying face to face, instead of not getting a notification, or a message not showing up, or miscommunications happening because emotion isn't shown through text, etc. I have been keeping myself more organized when it comes to my work though. I always set reminders and alarms and ask people to remind me about things, and do just about everything that I can so that I can remember everything.
If you notice, in my writing, things probably seem to be jumbled up also, because my mind jumps from topic to topic and I'm trying to make sure I can get everything in, but I'll go off on a tangent in another direction than what I was previously planning--like right now for example! XD
I am also SO bad at losing things! All kinds of things! My keys or purse, my phone case, a hair appliance, clothing, etc. My mom has always said every time we lose something that we finally find it in the strangest places. So because of that, any time we lose something, we all yell, "It's probably behind the toilet!" XD And we really have left things behind the toilet, which you would probably think is the strangest place to lose something, but there are stranger places. The funniest story of something lost that we have is when my nana lost her car keys! We searched and searched for hours, my mom, my sister, my aunt, my cousin, my nana, and I were all trying to hunt them down! We checked the obvious places like her purse, tables, car, night stand, etc. but they were absolutely no where to be found! (When I lose something I TEAR the house apart until I find it!) We always try to retrace our steps to find and remember things. So that's what we did in this case. We asked my nana what she had done that day. So she said, "Well... I woke up, and I got a moonpie...." So we grabbed the moonpie box and sure enough, her keys were there, IN THE MOONPIE BOX! We still die laughing about that story to this day! I do things like this, ALL the time. I have left my phone in a shoe in my closet floor, in clothes in the dryer, under my bed, behind the toilet, in the shower, just all the weirdest places possible. XD
So like I said, we all have fun with it and laugh about it! It's not a crisis by any means. But, please if you ever are wondering why you haven't heard back from me,(business or pleasure!) don't hesitate to contact me. I won't mind at all. :)
(I've been planning this blog entry for weeks, but I'm finally writing it now. I did get a little distracted by this awesome video of a raccoon playing with water! Look how cute! :D)
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